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Best Build For Storm Sorcerer In Baldurs Gate 3

Best Build for Storm Sorcerer in Baldur's Gate 3


In this post, we'll delve into the Storm Sorcerer build for Baldur's Gate 3, a lightning incarnate that harnesses the power of storms.

The Storm Sorcerer is a highly versatile class, capable of dealing massive damage, controlling the battlefield, and supporting allies. With a focus on lightning spells, the Storm Sorcerer excels in both single-target and area-of-effect damage.

Race, Skills, and Cantrips


Half-Elf or Tiefling are excellent choices for Storm Sorcerers, providing bonuses to Charisma and skills.


Focus on Persuasion, Arcana, and Insight to enhance your social interactions and combat effectiveness.


Shocking Grasp: A ranged attack cantrip that deals lightning damage.

Chromatic Orb: A versatile cantrip that allows you to choose the damage type.

Thunderwave: An area-of-effect cantrip that deals thunder damage and knocks prone.


Level 1:

Thunderwave: A powerful area-of-effect spell that deals thunder damage and knocks prone.

Burning Hands: For closer-range damage, this spell deals fire damage in a cone.

Level 2:

Web: A crowd-control spell that creates a web that restrains enemies.

Cloud of Daggers: Summons a cloud of flying daggers that deals damage over time.

Level 3:

Lightning Bolt: A devastating single-target lightning spell that deals massive damage.

Fireball: For massive area-of-effect damage, Fireball deals fire damage in a large radius.


Warlock (Fiend Patron):

Combining Storm Sorcerer with the Fiend Patron Warlock provides additional damage potential and summoning abilities.

Hex: Grants a bonus to attack rolls against a single target.

Eldritch Blast: A ranged attack cantrip that deals force damage.


Best Armor for Act 1:

Leather Armor (11 + Dex modifier AC)

Best Weapons for Act 1:

Quarterstaff (1d6 + Strength modifier damage)

Dagger (1d4 + Dexterity modifier damage)


The Storm Sorcerer in Baldur's Gate 3 is a potent damage-dealer and battlefield controller. With its lightning-themed spells and versatile cantrips, the Storm Sorcerer can dominate encounters and support its allies. By carefully selecting race, skills, spells, and equipment, you can create a highly effective and enjoyable Storm Sorcerer build.
